Making things Right – deserves Respect and Admiration

 There was a big change in 2016: the property management company was replaced. Why? Because the new council wanted to “make things right”.

But why has the year 2016 been tumultuous? I bet there would be a lot of finger pointing to answer this question.

Perhaps what is most obvious is this. Owners want and expect “everything to be perfect”.

The new council was never given an opportunity to fulfil its objective – making things right. Having to unravel years of frustration with Bayside and Unger in addition to tackling challenges with management of infrastructures, routine maintenance, and the prospect of fulfilling engineering recommendations respecting the Depreciation Report are no ordinary responsibilities. Any strata council presented with so much on its plate in a single year deserves more than just respect and admiration; it deserves a medal for bravery and the guts to subject itself to incredible dispute and caustic antipathy by the people it volunteered to serve – owners.

Wake up people! Rome was not built in a day. Until respect, peace, and harmony returns to Huntly Wynd, you risk depreciating the value of a most wonderful place to live. Empower your  leaders to make changes rather than crucifying them every minute you believe they have made a mistake.

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